To access our daily schedule and book your own appointments, register for a password-protected account in our online scheduler.
To book an appointment, log in to your account, select “in-person” or “Zoom” from the pull-down menu and choose your consultant and time. Select your appointment allowing adequate time to read and discuss your paper:
- 30 minutes (1-5 pages)
- 45 minutes (6-7 pages)
- 60 minutes (8-10 pages).
Plan ahead and book appointments well in advance of due dates or deadlines. Students may receive assistance from the Center for Writing once per day, whether through online submissions, in person, or via Zoom.
Online Submissions
To submit a document for review via email, choose the Online Submissions tab for instructions on what information you will need to provide to us.
We review documents in the order in which they are submitted, returning them usually within 2 business days.
Online Help Appointment Scheduler
Documentation Style Guides